“Delving into the endless culture of Yogyakarta, painting vivid stories of the past while embracing the vibrant soul of cultural heart.”.
On the first day of the tour, we will start by visiting one of the museums which is at the foot of Mount Merapi and has European gothic architecture, namely the Ullen Sentalu Museum. We can find and study various historical collections about the lives of nobles during the Kasunanan period of Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Mangkunegaran and Pakualaman. After learning how beautiful the lives of the royals are, we will move to The World Landmark Merapi Park, a tourist destination for taking selfies with miniature replicas of famous landmarks from all over the world. Next, we will go to Breksi Cliff to see the beautiful ex-mining cliff of around 30 meters which is carved into reliefs and wayang stories and because it is high enough height can be a gift for visitors to enjoy the sunset. Not only that, we will also visit the highest temple in Yogyakarta, Candi Ijo. At the end of the tour, we will invite you to enjoy the busy corner of Jogja from Alun-Alun Kidul or Alun-Alun Selatan Jogja which is surrounded by various street vendors and there is a spot of walking past two trees with your eyes closed which can be a unique story for tourists
On the second day, we will invite you to enjoy the cool and beautiful air of the Mangunan Yogyakarta area. As an initial activity to raise your spirits, we invite you to see the magnificence of the sunrise from Sunrise Mangunan. After that, we move to the Imogiri Hobbit House where the hobbit-inspired houses and lush gardens ignited our imaginations, creating a world of wonder. The existence of the Hobbit House complements the main concept of the Seribu Batu Songgo Langit (Fairy Tales) tourist destination. If in the morning we enjoy the sunrise, then it's time at the end of the tour to enjoy the sunset from Indrayanti Beach, Gunung Kidul, a white sandy beach which has become a regular for tourists to close their tourist activities
On the last day, we will take you to learn Jogja culture from the legendary corner of Kotagede. Tells the story of the Islamic Mataram kingdom and various ancient remains such as the Great Mosque, the Tomb of the Mataram Kings and the Sendang Seliran Ancient Baths which are located in the same area as the Tombs of the Mataram Kings. The three places above have a unique and interesting history so that domestic and foreign tourists never get bored of visiting to see how the legacy of Islamic Mataram stands strong. After a day of walking through residential areas, we will close the tour by going around enjoying Malioboro, which was once said to be "you haven't been to Jogja if you haven't been to Malioboro"
Provide work opportunities particularly for youth and women, while simultaneously enhancing the positive socio-economic impacts of tourism.
Contributes to advancing sustainable infrastructure and accessibility, promoting regeneration and preserving cultural and natural heritage as assets for Tourism.
Enhance partnerships by actively involving various local businesses and communities in a collective effort to attain sustainable tourism goals.
This package provides a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical exploration to hands-on activities in the beautiful natural surroundings. Travelers can enjoy the rich heritage, natural beauty, and traditions of Yogyakarta.
Contact us via email or whatsapp for booking or any further information